Graphic: Comics Alliance, Supermovies: This Is What The Next Few Years Of Your Life Looks Like [Infographic]

Source: Comics Alliance, Supermovies: This Is What The Next Few Years Of Your Life Looks Like [Infographic] – Graphic by Dylan Todd

Where it’s easy to find memes that use the same images with all kinds of variations, different funny captions, or even cause a huge stir as the recent #FAIL by Bill Cosby, it’s rare to see an infographic get spoofed by another infographic.

That’s exactly what we have here, so please enjoy the clever parody below, courtesy of

And I hope the Comics Alliance takes this spoof all in good stride. Considering how many references they make in their reviews and articles with gentle good humor, I’d guess that they are pretty pleased to see what they have inspired.

Are you ready to create one of your own? Start with a black background, grab a collection of flat, single color icons, and build your timeline.