photo-fullThe Oculus Rift is all the buzz in the gamer-sphere, and reviews and demos keep popping up every day.  As more people dig into it, tho, people are finding all the classic VR problems that VR researchers have been digging into for the last 20 years.  Fast Company has an article on some of these problems:

Those who watched the videos came to see how much VR does deliver to their favorite titles, like the aforementioned Portal series, the award-winning roleplaying game Skyrim, or the parkour action-game Mirror’s Edge. Wooden found user interfaces an issue. “You can’t have your information on the outskirts of the screen. You have to have it near the middle, where the person can actually see it. Or you have to have it someplace where the person can look on the player’s character model,” said Wooden.

The experienced developers (Michael Abrash, John Carmack,etc) know enough to dig into the IEEE and ACM literature for background, but newer developers are diving in fresh.  Who will come up with the best ideas?  Only time will tell.

via What’s The Big Problem With Developing Oculus Rift VR? ⚙ Co.Labs ⚙ code + community.