Today’s selection starts with a couple of infographics from Loudpixel and Online University about SOPA – yes, still SOPA, but these are the last ones, really! After that, we start taking a look at online piracy, the real issue that led to this controversial legislation. Meobleshows us the top 10 most pirated movies of all time, Go-Gulf provides some interesting facts and stats about online piracy, and finally, MPAA‘s pyramid of Internet Piracy.

Is SOPA the New OWS?

Online World Blacked Out

Top 10 Most Pirated Movies of All Time

Online Piracy in Numbers – Facts and Statistics

The Pyramid of Internet Piracy

And our video pick of this day:

A Day in the Life of Social Media

And visit us at Visual Loop to check out all the new infographics we’ve posted during the weekend.