I always look at these systems and think there’s no possible way they’ll ever go mainstream, but looking at this amazing conglomeration of kit bringing the new Battlefield 3 game to life is truly jawdropping.

Centred on the worlds first, portable omni-directional treadmill designed by Swedish company MSE Weibull the simulator lets you control the movements of a Battlefield 3 character with your own body. Other key technology employed includes: 12 paintball markers that allow the player, in real time, to feel the enemy gunfire experienced in the game; a wireless gun system; ambient LED lighting; and an Xbox Kinect camera hack.

No idea how much something like this cost, but something tells me there’s a lot of bubblegum and duct tape holding this one together.  Nonetheless, it is awesome.

via Ultimate Battlefield 3 Simulator – The Gadget Show – YouTube.