For the last selection of our aviation-themed week, we decided to take a look at the future of travle, with a help from the folks at Tripbase. After that, we digg deep intoone of the most exciting aviation projects of the last couple of decades: the Virgin Galactic Spaceship. Virgin, Dvice, The Telegraph and U.S. Infrastructure show us some interesting facts about Richard Branson’s greatest enterprise.

And , just to let you know, the Daily Viz from Visual Loop will take a two-week break, returning here on September 12, with a lot of fresh data-vizz goodies! Until then, drop by Visual Loop for your daily infographic inspiration! See you soon!

The Future of Travel

How high can you go?

How high Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShip Two will actually go

Virgin Galactic Space Flight

Virgin Galactics Spaceship Two

And our last video of the week:

Social Media 2011

During the next weeks, visit Visual Loop for more than 14.000 infographic jewels!!