IMSI just fired a volley across Autodesk’s bow with a great new 3D DWG File Viewer app for the iPad.  It’s Free, it’s available now, and it has a few nice features not seen in the “official” offering:

TurboViewer is the first to have full screen preview when the DWG is loading. You can pan the view around and once it’s loaded, it stays where you’ve moved it. It automatically switches between single-touch panning and orbit (rotate) depending on the view being 2D or 3D. Perhaps the biggest feature, is that the views are always full-resolution with no regeneration when zooming in and out. All of these act together to make it a surprisingly responsive viewing application.

It’s available right now in the ITunes Store.

via TurboViewer 3D DWG Viewer Hits the iPad with Hot New Tech –