A nice piece of work comes from Halta Definizione who has compiled the world’s highest resolution photograph.  Notice it’s not the world’s largest photograph, as it only clocks in at 16 gigapixels, but that 16 billion pixels is focused entirely on Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper”.

So what is this picture portraying? Well, it wouldn’t be right if it wasn’t Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper“. The depth of the image is just mind boggling. You can zoom down to the smallest grain of paint and still not lose the clarity or the crispness of the image itself. It’s really amazing to zoom and pan around in search of those infamous details that we all know of since the movie “The Da Vinci Code” by Dan Brown.

Hit their website for the interactive viewer.

via This Is The World’s Highest Resolution… | Bit Rebels.