AMD is backpedaling on their earlier statements about DirectX and graphics API’s, stating that they were taken out of context.  As I originally suspected, the number of developers eager (or willing?) to code to bare metal is a startling minority.

The previous interview claimed that developers want the API to “go away,” that it’s getting in the way of creating some truly amazing graphics. Huddy himself was even quoted saying that developers have admitted this in conversations. But in this latest interview, he said that only a handful of high-end gaming developers were looking to bypass DirectX and code directly to hardware.

“It’s not something most developers want,” he said. “If you held a vote among developers, they would go for DirectX or OpenGL, because it’s a great platform. It’s hard to crash a machine with Direct X, as there’s lots of protection to make sure the game isn’t taking down the machine, which is certainly rare especially compared to ten or fifteen years ago. Stability is the reason why you wouldn’t want to move away from Direct X, and differentiation is why you might want to.”

I’m sure some people want that kind of access to the hardware, but they’re predominantly in the research world.  Most developers would happily trade away that tiny bit of performance for the ease of development and portability of a good api.  I just don’t think DirectX is a particularly good API.

via AMD: DirectX Comments Taken Out of Context.