Social media is more and more a big part of online marketing strategies for companies of all sizes and area of activity. The Noob Guide to Online Marketing, made by Unbounce, shows in detail how to use all of the tools available, and Socialcast shares their thoughts on the impacts this new Culture of Collaboration have in Enterprises. According to Postling, Facebook and Twitter dominate the Small Biz Social Media use, and from Kiss Metrics comes a breakdown of Social Media by Demographic. Our last pick goes to the use of Social Media during emergencies, presented by Credit Loan.

The Noob Guide to Online Marketing

Dare to Share – A New Culture of Collaboration in the Enterprise

Facebook and Twitter Dominate Small Biz Social Media Use

Who Likes What: Social Media By Demographic

How We Use Social Media During Emergencies

And today’s video:

Women’s careers in Germany, by Roman Höfner

Worldwide infographics by the hour on Visual Loop!