3dWorld has a review of the iPi markerless Motion Capture system that uses low-resolution video cameras (like Webcams or the Sony PlayStation Eye) to capture motion.  They target 640×480 60fps video, primarily because higher-resolutions would require additional processing (putting it beyond realtime right now), but only sell the Software (requiring you to purchase your own compatible cameras and connecting equipment).  It seems rather similar to the Microsoft Kinect.  So, how does it work?

The good news is that the approach does work: after a rather clumsy experience with the hardware and lack of preview, the experience of using iPi Desktop Motion Capture paid off, yielding some pretty solid full-body mocap.

Small delicate moves and bold aggressive moves were all captured well. Some floor slippage was seen, but nothing that can’t be cleaned up in post in MotionBuilder. However, only BVH, Collada and SMD formats are supported; FBX support would definitely be a welcome addition.

via iPi Desktop Motion Capture review.