I originally decided not to post this, but if a 4k Canon firmware is on the horizon then maybe it’s a bit more important.  There’s a reason why companies like ARRI keep making incredibly expensive cameras like the Alexa, and this video by Nick Paton shows one of the important differences.

This is a short test comparing a Canon 7d with an ARRI Alexa. The purpose of the test being to test the ability of each camera’s images to be manipulated after exposure. I have graded each output to try to get it back to neutral using Gamma and density’s chart. As you can see the Alexa responds very well where as the 7d footage fails in highlight exposure detail and it’s codec compromises it’s ability to be pulled up in the darker regions. It’s interesting and telling and goes part way to explaining the more than substantial price difference.

Granted, you are probably asking yourself why you’ld ever want to shoot at a 7 stop, but if you did then here’s kinda what you’ld wind up dealing with.

Alexa vs 7d latitude tests from Nick Paton ACS on Vimeo.

via Alexa vs 7d latitude tests on Vimeo.