Lots of murmurs are undermining what little credibility Oracle has at the moment.  We’ve already covered first how the killed the Sun Visualization System, and then how they killed the free Sun GridEngine.  In addition they’ve killed OpenSolaris and multiple hardware lines, and several divisions are currently suffering from uncertainty like MySQL and OpenOffice.  Just take a look at the discussions in the JAVA camp:

Right now lots of people are talking about Java but there is a silent void from you. The conversation is happening and you aren’t participating, so people speculate and hypothesize; not great for building trust.

And if you needed any more ammunition, check out this list of recent departures:

  • Mike Shapiro Leaves
  • Brendan Gregg Leaves
  • Doug Lea Resigns from the JCP
  • Charles Schulz leaves OpenOffice.org
  • Florian Effenburger leaves OpenOffice.org
  • Cor Nouws leaves OpenOffice.org

Apple has dropped their own internal Java builds, a motion that should bolster Sun’s position in the marketplace by eliminating some of the oddities of Apple’s implementation, but rather it’s being treated as a potential death knell for the product because Sun/Oracle is saying nothing, leading everyone to think Java is slowly dying on the vine.

I personally know many former Sun zealots that have slowly begun to switch to other vendors in the last year or so, customers that would have chosen Sun over anything in the marketplace that are now going to vendors like BluArc and Panasys.

What about you?  What do you know of the Sun Underpinnings?

via Dear Oracle, Get a Clue « Ian Skerrett.
