This is a “public service announcement” for anyone playing with the IEEE VisWeek 2011 Vis Contest dataset we mentioned here.  After a few days of patiently waiting for one of the four three massive 30-40GB datasets to download, I managed to finish it.  So some notes for anyone interested:

  • I used the SAS dataset, a 32GB Tarball that expands to 143G on disk.
  • ParaView will load the data just fine. Used 3.6.2.  Took up less than 2GB of Ram to create the image shown above.
  • The files are ASCII.  I saved them as VTM’s (Binary) using ParaView, and the result is 500Meg on disk.

Enjoy.  If you come up with any other useful information, feel free to send it to me or put it in the comments.