Fans of Renderman have a new version to love, RenderMan Studio 3.0.  It has the usual performance boosts and UI improvements, but of particular note is the new consolidated user interface features and improved SLIM integration.  In fact, the new SLIM integration even has scripting via MTOR-style and TCL.  But that’s not all:

  1. Better Intergration with Slim – RFM’s integration with Slim has been improved:
    1. Slim sessions now “travel” with Maya scene files.
    2. Bind Slim shaders to Maya nodes without the use of Maya ShadingGroup Nodes.
    3. Hierarchical binding via the Maya DAG is now supported. A new binding strength attribute allows you to override lower-level bindings at higher DAG levels.
    4. Slim can now initiate preview renders in Maya.
    5. Slim networks can now generally imply extra rendering passes.
    6. Full support for Slim-side Ensemble Adaptors.

Read their site for the full details.

Pixar’s RenderMan® / RenderMan Pro Server.