You trembled in front of the Afgan Counterinsurgency Strategy.. Then you cried for mercy from the US Government Acquisitions Process. Now, they’re back with the scariest one of all: The 193 step Pentagon IT Chart!

Believe it or not, the chart was actually drawn up to help the Pentagon’s cyber security team make some sense of the massive set of rules they’re expected to wade through, an attempt to “capture the tremendous breadth of applicable policies, some of which many [IT] practitioners may not even be aware, in a helpful organizational scheme.” Yes, looking at that graphical mushroom cloud of a chart, the word “helpful” certainly comes to mind. Bonus mind-boggling factoid: the chart was created by the DASD CIIA (Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Cyber, Identity & Information Assurance). Good general rule of thumb: never expect useful assistance from an entity with an acronym that long.

Saw has nothing on this.

Your Job Coud Be Worse: Pentagon IT Follows This Insane 193 Rule Chart.