If you don’t actually work in the VFX Industry, you may be completely oblivious to the incredible power that ‘color grading’ can wield over a scene.  Be it recorded video or CG footage, the power that a color artist wields in post-production has the capability of changing the entire feel of the footage.

The process of colour grading is something that is used in almost every piece of professional video. Colour grading can take the form of simple colour correction such as correcting white balance, or can be used to give a particular look, e.g., making a scene look warm or cold.

Whilst it is mostly associated with recorded video, it is also something that’s important in motion graphics too. First we’ll take a look at exactly what colour grading is then we’ll look at some of tools you can use to grade your videos.

via An Introduction to Colour Grading | Fuel Your Motionography.