Driving is, for many of us, more than just a need – it’s part of our life. So, today, we’ll take a look at some interesting graphs about driving in America. First, a painful question, posed by The Infrastructurist: are new roads and highways being built based on incorrect data? Scary, but not as much as Edmund‘s piece on how fast cars lose value, or the comparison between Car Insurance vs. Out-of-Pocket, by Fat Wallet. Also in the “scary” issues field, Yahoo asked what Americans are concerned about – no big surprises here, and to rap this up, Site Jabber‘s top reasons why people still fear E-Commerce.

Are We Building New Roads and Highways Based on Incorrect Data?

How Fast Does My New Car Lose Value?

Car Insurance vs. Out-of-Pocket: the Decision is Yours

Inside Ask America: What are people saying?

7 Reasons People Fear E-Commerce

The video pick of the day:

Monstrous Wildlife by Frank Robnik

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