All you infographics designers have a good contest opportunity from Chart Porn, and a chance at a $250 Cash Prize.

Create an infographic that compares different economic and/or political systems.

I’m leaving it completely open to the designers to decide how they want to organize it, how snarky to make it, what political or economic terms to include, and how to do the comparisons. But here are some suggestions to get you started: What are the systems’ defining attributes? How stupid do you have to be to confuse these issues? What are the worst examples of why this is bad (Stalin/Hitler/Pol pot)? Include odd little known relevant facts (health care isn’t free in China/number of people Stalin had killed/tax increases that led to original tea party)? Why it is incorrect to use this label for the United States? Which are economic systems vs political systems or both? Different formats?: maybe a double sided reference card (one side economics, one politics) to hand out to tea party protesters? A flowchart for identifying differences? Heck, if you want to, go ahead and create an infographic showing how Obama really is all of these things at the same time. In other words: get creative.

Looking at the prizes, I think I’ld almost prefer the second place prize (all four of Edward Tufte’s Hardcover Books).

via Chart Porn Design Contest: Economics & Politics for Dunces – Chart Porn.