Which would you rather see: Anna Kournikova in 3-D in the latest Maxim magazine or the new Honda CR-Z ad? The truth of the matter is that I do not like the color shifting with the red-cyan glasses, either with Anna Kournikova or the Honda CR-Z ad, or anything else. However, having Anna and the Honda in 3-D does make for a good gimmick to sell magazines. I just think that the 2-D pictures look better.

Using a new 3-D technology called a Phantaglyph, Honda is creating print advertising that makes the car seem to rise off the page. With 3-D glasses, the Phantaglyph appears more lifelike than other 3-D renderings. The first ad will appear in Maxim next to an article about former professional tennis player Anna Kournikova.

via : Honda goes digital for hybrid launch
