It came as a bit of a shock to a lot of people: Demand Media, the biggest pure-play SEO company in existence, is going public – and the amazing numbers behind the company are illustrated by Authority Labs. Less impressive is the analysis brought by Credit Score, comparing United States’ credit rating to the rest of the World – there’s a long road ahead for the American credit recovery. Changing the topic, have you ever wondered how  stressful is your job for real? That’s the question posted by Credit Loan on their infographic, worth having a look, specially because Robots are taking over the workplace, according to Focus – talk about stress!! To end today’s round-up, Mashable‘s graphic about the rise of Text Messaging.

Demand Media – The Billion Dollar SEO Company

Comparing United States’ Credit Rating to the World

How Stressful is Your Job?

The Automated Workplace: Robots On The Rise

The Rise of Text Messaging

And today’s video:

As usual, don’t forget to check out Visual Loop, with new infographics every hour!