Di-o-matic is showing off an upcoming product called ‘Maskarad’ that enable facial capture without markers or dedicated scanning equipment, just working on any regular video.

Maskarad uses state-of-the-art technology to automatically locates and tracks head motion as well as facial expressions and precise lips movements. No messy or cumbersome face markers setup, no expensive dedicated hardware and no need to outsource any part of your pipeline. Just a simple video file featuring an actor performance is all you need to create lifelike facial animations.

Of course, this won’t work for any video as it pretty much required a straight on shot of the actor’s face.  However, taking that straight-on shot, mapping it onto a CG actor, then using that in a 3D scene on top of more traditional mocap should be trivial.

via Maskarad: Automatic markerless facial performance capture software for Windows.