It has been more than 50 days since the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster started, and still BP has not managed to stop the flow of oil. Researchers at the University of South Florida have been running computer simulations to perform a hindcast and forecast the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Hindcasting is the running a computer simulation to see if the output of the model matches known results. By clicking on the link below, you can see their entire simulation.

The particles (difters) are shown as black dots, and their trajectries in magenta. Macondo well is designated by the red circle. Sea surface temperature (color contours, units in deg C) was superimposed with the surface current vectors to indicate the surface ocean circulation. The velocity data were subsampled every the third grid points in both east and north directions for better visulization.

via The Deepwater Horizon oil spill trajectory hindcast/forecast based on West Florida Shelf ROMS.