It’s been a little over a year since Amgen’s impressive Angiogenesis website, showing CG videos of the various processes in tumor growth and treatment, took the internet by storm and now they’re back.

The video shows a tumor starving inside the human body.  By navigating viewers through a cinematic experience on how angiogenesis enables tumor cells to grow, we are able to better illuminate novel ways to attack multiple cancer pathways.  The goal of anti-angiogenic therapies in cancer is to prevent the formation of new blood vessels that supply tumors with the nutrients they need to grow and survive.  Stop the angiogenesis and potentially stop the cancer.  This scientific video was designed for doctors and medical students to help them understand the angiogenesis process and the role it can play in fighting cancer.

Perhaps the coolest part of this new video is they’ve embraced the stereoscopic fad and this new video comes in a passive color-based stereoscopic 3D.  It’s not the usual Red/Cyan glasses but rather Blue/Amber Colorcode glasses, but they have a link on their website to request a free pair of glasses to try it out yourself.

The effect takes a little bit of adjustment (I think because of the stark difference in contrast between the two eyes), but it’s a powerful addition.  The stereo effect is throughout the entire product, in the menus, movies, and backgrounds.

Definitely go check it out!

Go check it out at the Amgen Website.