Just a few days ago we talked about Matt McKeon’s infographic on The Evolution of Privacy on Facebook. He used a simple graphic to convery a powerful message: check your privacy settings and make sure that they are set to a level that you are comfortable with.

Now, the New York Times has created an infographic to portray the same information. While it is not colorful, and while it is not flashy, it does get its point across. Personally I like Matt McKeon’s infographic better. However, the bar graph in the Times graphic showing the growth of the privacy statement with time conveys the same message.

At 5,803 words, the Facebook Privacy Statement is longer than the Constitution. Just for grins, I did a word count on a Request for Proposal I just finished writing. 5,680 words. I beat the Constitution, but lost to Facebook.

To manage your privacy on Facebook, you will need to navigate through 50 settings with more than 170 options. Facebook says it wants to offer precise controls for sharing on the Internet.

via : Facebook Privacy: A Bewildering Tangle of Options