Forbes Magazine asked frog design what the future (year 2020) could look like, and that led to a workshop in San Francisco where futurists, journalist, and others came together to envision it.  The result is an online feature called ‘Your Life in 2010″, and it now available online for all to revel in it’s foresight and wackiness.

In the future nearly every visible thing will be cataloged and indexed, ready to be instantly identified and described to us. Want to go shopping? In the future we won’t need big retail stores with aisles of objects on display. We’ll be able to shop out in the world (see image, above). Do you like that new car you saw drive by? Or those cool shoes on the woman sitting across the room? All you’ll have to do is look at it and your mobile handset or AR-equipped eyeglasses will identify the object and look up the best price and retailer.

While I don’t see many people getting brain implants in order to track their “Whuffie”, some of the other ideas aren’t half bad.

via Envisioning Your Future in 2020 | Blog | design mind.