Over at OpenBible.info, they have this great visualization of the multitude of cross-references within the bible.  A brief explanation:

  • The visualization is clockwise circular: eg. Lines above the timeline show references forward to later books, lines below sow references back to previous books
  • Red lines are New Testament targets, Blue lines are Old Testament targets

Across the tip are markers of important books so you can see where things are.  Some great information here, such as :

  • Easy to see the huge number of references back to Psalms
  • The density of references from the Minor Prophets back to both the Major Prophets and earlier in the Old Testament.
  • The surprising density of cross references in Hebrew-Jude.

Hit his site for all the details, including the massive 10kx8k full-resolution PNG.

Bible Cross References Visualization « OpenBible.info Blog.