Toshiba’s R&D Lab at Cambridge University has developed an interesting technique for scanning objects, primarily faces, using a single camera and three colored lights.

The system works by using three coloured lights – red, green and blue – cast from different fixed positions in a dark room onto the subject (in this case Stenger, pictured above and below). “All you're doing is illuminating the object with RGB light,” notes professor Cipolla. “One camera. And you get the most accurate 3D surface with all its blemishes.”

The beauty of the system is that it’s simply enough and hardware-light enough to be used in almost any situation.  Gamers capturing their own likeness for video game avatars, social media websites, disembodied talking heads to read email, etc.

via Photos: 3D replicas to help sell your home? That’s computer vision | Page 4 | Software |