I just saw the news of Autodesk Homestyler over at Lifehacker, and thought it looked pretty familiar.  Sure enough, it’s the old Project Dragonfly that we brought you over a year ago, and now it’s finally graduated.

Project Dragonfly was our technology preview of floor planning using just your browser. Using a software as a service approach, there is no download or install required to watch your design and decorating visions take shape right before your eyes. In addition, no prior knowledge of computer aided design is required to join in on the fun. The simple-to-use interface and intuitive design allows you to easily drag and drop items into floor plans that you've created. When you’re done, save it and show friends your masterpiece. The technology preview has ended and is now available as Autodesk Homestyler. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback to shape Project Dragonfly into its current form.

All the same functionality you loved, in a great flash-powered browser interface.  You can check it out online at www.homestyler.com.