The Economic has a great video interview done with Pixar’s president Ed Catmull about the creative process, the limits of eccentricity, and the dangers of attempting to prevent errors.  In it are several excellent ideas, such as how far can eccentricity go before it becomes a problem:

[At Pixar] there is very high tolerance for eccentricity, very creative, and to the point where some are strange… but there are a small number of people who are socially dysfunctional [and] very creative – we get rid of them. If we don’t have a healthy group then it isn’t going to work. There is this illusion that this person is creative and has all this stuff, well the fact is there are literally thousands of ideas involved in putting something like this together. And the notion of ideas as this singular thing is a fundamental flaw. There are so many ideas that what you need is that group behaving creatively. And the person with the vision I think is unique, there are very few people who have that vision.. but if they are not drawing the best out of people then they will fail.

Inside Pixar’s Leadership « Scott Berkun. via LifeHacker