Cool Infographics interviews Jess Bachman, owner of and creator of the popular Death & Taxes posters, and they discuss some of the creation of this popular poster.

Cool Infographics: What software applications do you use for the Death & Taxes posters?

Jess Bachman: The only applications I use are Photoshop and Excel. Excel is where I in put all the data and it crunches the numbers, adjusts for inflation and calculates diameters. Photoshop is where I put it all together and the PSD file occasionally exceeds 1 gig so it can be a beast to work with. Saving takes about 5 minutes.

Cool Infographics: What’s your design process?

Jess Bachman: Normally I start from scratch and layout the images and make them fit; however, this year the budget didn’t change all that much, likely being from the same President, so I was able to keep the 2010 format and change the size of circles. Of course some things had to be added and removed. So this year I saved myself about 3 weeks of work just getting right into it, but the design process is grueling. it’s small tasks, repeated 500 times.

Also, CoolInfographics is having a contest to give away a free print of the poster.

via Cool Infographics – Cool Infographics – Jess Bachman Interview (Death & Taxes 2011 Poster Giveaway!!)  #deathandtaxes.