Click for FullSize (not that it helps)

HotelChatter has a great report of the State of WiFi at various hotels, showing that contrary to their expectations, several hotels have begun the switch to free WiFi in the rooms as a way to increase customer happiness and loyalty. The report is great, but they’ve created this “chart” to go with it visualizing the results.

Several problems with this “chart”, and I use the term loosely:

  • No idea what the various “width” of hotel sections means.  It seems to be simply sized to fit the studio name, not based on number of hotels or guests
  • They use a “rainbow” colormap, which might be fine to divide up All Free vs Some Free vs Paid wifi, but they separate it into 5 sections with such slight color gradiations it can be hard to tell.
  • The top part of the chart is completely pointless as far as I can tell.  It’s the exact same data as below (the same 5 bars), they just removed the individual chain names, and scattered them in some pseudo-circular arrangement.. For no apparent reason other than they could.

Definitely not designed by a graphics expert (at least, I really hope it wasn’t).  Maybe it was designed by a guest at a Holiday Inn Express?

What else do you see wrong with it?

via HotelChatter’s Annual Hotel WiFi Report 2010 || HotelChatter.