NASA has installed a webcam in the cleanroom where they are assembling the James Webb Space Telescope. This telescope is hailed as the successor to the Hubble Telescope, though it will not cover all the same frequencies of the spectrum. Instead the James Webb Space Telescope will mainly be looking in the infrared region. The main goal of the James Webb Space Telescope is to observe the most distant galaxies, and thus the earliest ones, in the universe. Apparently, NASA only works from 8:00am to 4:30pm Eastern, Monday – Friday, so otherwise you will find an empty room. The James Webb Space Telescope is scheduled to be launched in June 2014.

Web cameras in Goddard’s largest clean room are now providing daily, live coverage of work being done on components of the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope. You could say they’re “Webb-cams” and they provide one image per minute so people can see what happens behind the scenes. Of course, the work happens during regular working hours, so there may not be action on screen all the time.

via NASA – Go into a NASA Clean Room Daily with the Webb Telescope via NASA’s ‘Webb-cam’.