whatdoyousuggest.net is a new way of searching for information on the web. The web site takes an input query, and displays the results from Google Suggest in a tree form. For example, if you enter a search item into the entry field, and it gives you options on where you can go from there. For example, I entered the term “books” which then brought up several options. I chose “online” and more options appear. In many ways, this search engine has the feel of Web Seer. From the search engine site itself:

What Do You Suggest takes a seed from you (or gives you something random) then guides you on a journey through language and the collective lives of Google users.

Using data from Google to make suggetions on where you might like to go next, What Do You Suggest is an experimental and interactive environment designed to explore how we use language and search on the internet.

via What do you suggest?.