io9 just pointed me to this fantastic Periodic Table of Science Fiction ideas from Kris Straub.

Overall, I think you’ll find the table more inclusive of your faves than not. Illustrator Kris Straub of Starslip and Chainsawsuit designed this graphic which offers elements for everything from Spc(1999) to DS9 on the table. I’m just stoked that they included Chln(of Men) on the Metallcrichtonide chart, and TW(elve Monkeys) in the Cameronkubriclarkine groups. And it’s only fitting that Lgn(Logan’s Run) and Du(ne) are on the “inert” section.

Some great stuff in there ranging from the organization by “Class” (Roddenlucathine and Cameronkubriclarkine, based on the original authors, writers, and directors), type of show (the entire left column is Star Trek ranging from The Original Series to the Abrams Reboot), and time (low-numbered elements are ready shows like Buck Rogers and Star Trek original, while higher-numbered elements are new entries like Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull).  Even some of the formulas are shown such as “2Ol + Dr = Torchwood” (2 parts Outer Limits, one part Doctor Who).

What do you think, did they leave anything out?  You can buy the poster in 2 different sizes over at TopataCo.

io9 via technabob