The Wall Street Journal has an interactive infographic showing the job losses from December 2007 through February 2010. They break down the increase in unemployment by sexes, and by race. The one exception are Asians, where they combined the two sexes together. I guess that the reason they do that is that otherwise the numbers would be too small to show.

On another tab of the same graphic, the Wall Street Journal shows job losses by sectors for the same time period.

Personally, I prefer the chart that Calculated Risk created. He took at look at the unemployment rate by level of Education. As might be expected, people who graduate with a bachelors degree or higher have a lower unemployment rate which currently is hovering near 5%. For those who do not graduate high school , the situation is much worse since they have an unemployment rate three times worse. This is yet another good reason to stay in school.

via Outlook Brightens for Jobless –

via : Unemployment Rate and Level of Education – Calculated Risk