The blog Information Advantage has posted an article describing their entry into the Interactive Graph Contest sponsored by ReadWriteWeb and Tableau Public. Using Tableau, they have a several nice data visualizations of public health by counties in the United States. Of course, it is interactive, so if you find some of it a little bit cluttered, you can always turn off some of the States, or zoom into a specific region.

Amongst all of the available choices, we decided to participate with a piece of analysis on “Activity Rates and Healthy Living Data”, for three specific reasons–

1. The contest reinforces our strong belief that effective visualization backed by solid analytics is the future of executive decision making.

2. Given the recent developments in health reform, this data presented a very interesting business and social challenge from an impact perspective.

3. We wanted to share our thinking and approach around challenging business and social problems where there is a nontrivial amount of data available and an opportunity to leverage advanced analytics and data visualization techniques.

via Data Visualization: Activity Rates & Healthy Living Across US Counties.