We’ve mentioned Veronica Butler-Borrer before, as Pooky Amsterdam, popular inworld celebrity of SecondLife.  She has a new guest-article up on the AllVirtual blog discussing SecondLife, and other virtual worlds, can be an integral part of business through the integration of VoIP, travel, video, and more into a single free platform.  In particular, she references a portion of a case study called “Virtual World Simulation training Prepares Real Guards on the US-Canadian Border: Loyalist College in Second Life” (View Online Here).

Before September 11, 2001, Customs and Immigration students at Loyalist College spent three weeks closely tailing professional border guards to experience the daily routine of their future job. In a post-911 environment however, this was no longer allowed. Training suffered until the Director of Educational Technology at Loyalist College catalyzed a virtual border crossing simulation in Second Life for Loyalist students.

The amazing results of the training and simulation program have led to significantly improved grades on students’ critical skills tests, taking scores from a 56% success in 2007, to 95% at the end of 2008 after the simulation was instituted.

via The Business Benefits Of Second Life « It’s All Virtual.