Despite the fact that I buy a lot of items on-line (including books from Amazon, and computer parts from NewEgg), most of my shopping is still in-store as well. After all, I buy most of my groceries from Wal Mart or Kroger. I have yet to buy a car from Ebay, though I have quite a few friends who have done it. But perhaps that is because I drive my cars for over a decade. has taken a look at on-line shopping and finds that it accounts for less than 5% of retail sales.

It’s hard to believe it, but it’s true–less than 5% of retail sales are actually done online! The rest still happen on Main Street, at the mall, and at the big-box retailer down the road. So how does the Internet come in handy? It’s perfect for doing research before you hit the road so you know exactly what you want and where to get it.

via The Daily Bark » The Bulk of Shopping Still Takes Place in Store.

Update: Yeah, sorry folks, Repost.