Cover your eyes and hide your children, this new infographic from iStrategy2009 attempts to show the various types of mobile media around the world and their penetrations.  The circles up top show various percentages like:

  • The blue compares the percentage of SMS users vs IM and Email users
  • The big red compares Mobile Phones worldwide vs Internet, Television, and Newspapers
  • The yellow on the right compares content coming from entertainment news, Social networks, and something else because they printed it in white on flourescent yellow.

But the disasters don’t end with just dreaded pie charts.  They have arrows and text written so small that even at full-size I can’t read it, and they all overlap and change directions without rhyme or reason.

Across the bottom is a chart showing the number of mobiles per 100 people, separated by country.  On the left is Taiwan with 59.3, with the US being the greyed-out entry toward the right (again yellow).

There’s just so many bad design decisions here, this one is an early contender for worst of 2010.

090903-IS-mobile.png (PNG Image, 1024×1479 pixels) . viz ChartPorn