In an interview with, Mir Vadim talks about his amazing RayFire shatter and destruction simulation tool for 3dsMax and how it has grown from a simple idea into quite possibly the most powerful destructive simulation tool in the industry.

One and a half of the year has passed since that moment and now RayFire Tool became a default plugin for artists who need to create dynamic simulation, demolition, explosions or just prebreak objects. A lot of famous companies purchased it and use now in their production: first one and it will be here always is Blur Studio, among others are Blizzard, Disney, Fox, Electronic Arts, Rockstar, Ubisoft, Codemasters, Crytek, Rocksteady, Sega, Boeing and even US Military.

Towards the end he also discusses future directions of RayFire, and admirably denies adding in features that he considers “outside” of the focus of RayFire in favor of keeping it small, lean, and fast.

via PhysX From Inside Out: RayFire Tool | – PhysX Articles.