The World Economic Forum has posted an interactive infographic of risks to the world, and how they connect to one another. Each risk is assigned a probability of occurring over a ten year period. The higher the probability, the larger the circle. Each risk is also assigned a category to which is belongs. Thus economics risks are colored in blue, while technology risks are colored in pink. The border of each circle is wider based on the severity if the risk happened. Risks are connected to one another by lines. The thicker the line, the stronger the connection.

The most likely, and worst risk is if asset prices were to collapse. The circle is large, indicating a likelihood of 20% or more, colored blue because it is an economic issue, and has a wide border since the fallout could be in the trillions of dollars. The second most likely risk is for the Chinese economy to grow less than 6% per year. Hit the link below to learn more.

via : Risks Interconnect Map 2010