WolfFire Games has a new blog post responding to the multitude of comments about his “Why you should use OpenGL & Not DirectX” article, clarifying his main point and responding to several of the issues brought up by commenters.

My post about reasons to use OpenGL instead of Direct3D got a much greater response than I expected, making the front page of Digg, Reddit, Slashdot, and even the OpenGL website! The vast majority of reactions were positive, but there were a few Direct3D users who posted negative comments which I will address in this post. It's clear that I put in too many distractions from my main points, which are as follows:

By supporting OpenGL you reach a much larger desktop gaming audience, avoid getting locked into proprietary standards, and promote healthy API competition.

Worth a read, especially for the great comment about debugging tools for OpenGL on various platforms.

via DirectX vs. OpenGL revisited – Wolfire Games Blog.