Our coverage of yesterday’s article on PCPro’s impression of Second Life garnered far more attention than we expected, and as such we are going to being our own investigation into Second Life to see what the story is.  However, I’m somewhat new (My last login was 2 years ago) so we need help from you!

We need information from you, the Second Life community, on:

  • Where to go
  • When to go
  • What to check out
  • What to avoid at all costs

Also, if you’re up for it, we’ld like some answers to a few questions:

  1. Where do you login from (Country), and what time (and specify the time-zone)?
  2. About how many people do you usually interact with in a session?
  3. If you run an SL business, have revenues been increasing or decreasing?
  4. If you run an SL business, has the number of customers been increasing or decreasing?

The actual feature will be a few days out, as we need to gather data on user trends and get a general feel for the space.  One complaint many of you had was that the original author only spent a few hours on a single day at non-peak times.  I hope to do better!  Simply post your answers in the comments (consider it free advertising if you run an SL business), or send them to us directly via the means in our About Page.

So, let us know.. What’s up in Second Life?

Note: I’ll be creating a new user account specifically for VizWorld.  Check back tonight for details necessary to contact me.

Update: Logged in now as “Vizworld Titanium”.