Did you know that there is less than 950 days (2.6 years) until regional registry IPv4 address exhaustion? There are 4,294,967,296 addresses (or about 28.8 adresses per square kilometer of land) for IPv4. Thus we need to moving towards IPv6 which gives us 2128 addresses (or about 2.2 x 1024 adresses per square meter of land). The TechRepublic has published an article and visualizaiton of the 2006 status of the blocks of addresses and their utilization. They even link to a XKCD map of the internet. From the article:

The IPv4 over-allocation comes up frequently in discussing the eventual exhaustion of available IPv4 addresses; in fact, Michael Kassner’s recent post explains how available addresses are almost exhausted and that the days are limited for IPv4. The current situation of the IPv4 address space can be visualized to show who has what addresses, what is full, and what is available.

via : Visualizing IPv4 addresses on the Internet

via : XKCD map of the Internet