FloatingSheep.org has been publishing several infographics over the past few months that have just popped up on my radar. They are taking markers that people have placed on Google Maps, and creating infographics from them. Take, for example, places that have been geotagged with the Allah, Buddha, Hindu, or Jesus and mapped them to a world map.

As one might expect, there are more references to Jesus in Europe and in the Western Hemisphere. References to Allah are found in the Middle East. References to Hindu are found in the India. References to Buddha are found in the Asia. What is also striking is the lack of data in large parts of the world.

Now what happens when you take the above religions and throw in the topic of sex into the mix.

Too bad they do not throw politics into the mix.

Personally, I have made many mistakes when visualizing data. Sometimes some great art comes out of those mistakes. FloatingSheep.org has posted some unintentional map projections. While it result is not informative, it sure does look interesting.

via FloatingSheep.org : Google’s Geographies of Religion