Randy Krum has created a fun chart showing just how much caffeine is in the various frosty and warm beverages that it takes to keep us up and moving throughout the day.

You are what you drink. With so many drinks today claiming to be “energy drinks”, I wanted a little visual clarification, so I made The Caffeine Poster. With coffee drinks on one side and canned cold drinks on the other, you can quickly see how much of a caffeine “hit” (in mg) you will get after consuming. What’s especially interesting is many of the drinks have a very high caffeine mg/oz ratio, but the drink is so small you don’t get that much total caffeine.

I find it humorous that 300mg is the “Caffeine Intoxication” point, but by his own chart I consume approximately 5-6 8oz cups of coffee and 2 diet cokes a day, putting me somewhere around 700mg.  Anything less and I can barely function.  Where do you fall?

via Cool Infographics – Cool Infographics – The Caffeine Poster, How Much Caffeine Are You Drinking? [new infographic].