3d-headArs Technica’s Dave Girard is publishing a 2-part introduction to 3D on the Mac.  Such introductions are all over the internet and magazines, but he’s taking a big different direction than you may see elsewhere:

3D magazines provide helpful tutorials, but since every application is also a potential advertiser, they tend to avoid saying that one package is best for a particular task, or that program X really sucks at particle animation, and so on. This two-part series will cover these differences while discussing specific workflows where these packages are used in areas like character modeling, motion graphics for TV or photorealistic rendering for architectural visualization.

Of course, ArsTechnica also advertises but hopefully they’ll be a little less biased than others.  The first part (models & textures) is online now, with the second part coming soon.

via An introduction to 3D on the Mac, Part I: models & textures.