nebulusA new web startup company “” aims to visualize your personal browsing behavior and provide a means of selectively sharing this data with friends or the world in general.  It has the popular social network features (Friends, sharing, connecting with twitter, etc) but for our interest is has a nice circular visualization of your history.

The visualization itself consists of a circular donut shape, with online types of media represented as rings, and visits or online service usages mapped as separate bands. The shape and position of these bands represent a standard clock face: the length and position of a band corresponds to the time one visited a particular website or online service. Users can navigate through the content rings and narrow down to a specific day or hour, or a specific web page, song or photo, to discover specific usage patterns, to check how much time they spend on a particular page, or to share any of this content with others. via Visualizing (and Sharing) your Online Activity – information aesthetics.