CutAndPaste-First_RoundAt the recent Cut&Paste 2009 Digital Design Tournament, Gabriel Smetzer brought home top honors with his amazing creations built using Cinema4D.

“I chose CINEMA 4D as my 3D ‘weapon of choice’ and believe the software gave me the competitive edge to quickly create a quality, original concept that would excite people as well as allowed me to easily 'nail' the lighting before rendering. The NURBSs modeling, splines, deformers and the functions were awesome and helped me shape my images within minutes.”

The contest gives competitors a mere 20 minutes to craft their image, constrained onto to a simple theme such as “Duality” or “My Instrument”, but lets them use any tools they choose.  Congratulations to Gabriel!

Read the full article the winning images and more information.

via MAXON – The makers of CINEMA 4D and BodyPaint 3D.