photoshop-revision-controlA new plugin called Timeline, from PixelNovel, combines the geek-centric revision control features of Subversion with the non-geekery of Photoshop, and presents it all as a fluid plugin that makes the entire process trivial.

Timeline goes beyond other options and uses a Subversion repository to store any revision of your progress while working on a Photoshop file. If you don’t know what Subversion is, that’s ok. Timeline simply shows you a row of previews of versions you’ve chosen to save, and you can jump back in time with a couple of clicks. Make a change, commit it, jump to a different version … all in a slick, minimal toolbar. You can add comments (a commit message for those already svn-savvy) to each revision, which is handy whether you’re working alone or collaborating.

Available for a mere $60 for the plugin, and an extra monthly/annual fee for storage if you decide to let them host your repository.

Timeline from Pixelnovel, via Timeline: no-regret version control for Photoshop.